About Hair Transplant in Delhi
Olmec Hair Transplant Centre in Delhi is One of the most Trusted names in the world of Hair transplant and Hair Restoration.

Falling hair and subsequent bald appearance is a major concern for our body image. Not only this changes our image in the society but also in our mind. No doubt that baldness makes us shy and we hesitate to face the mirror. This becomes more obvious in social gatherings where our mind forces us to run away from being clicked for photographs. This major psychological impact takes our self confidence making us introvert and may have a major impact on work performance as well as on matrimonial aspects.
Thanks to hair restorative procedures both surgical like Hair Transplant and non-surgical like PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy, stem cell therapy / mesotherapy which have made us overcome this problem.Today and day by day hair transplant is enjoying an esteemed and focused position in cosmetic surgery. This goes without saying that "Hair Restoration is one of the most common aesthetic (cosmetic) procedures performed in male population today".
We do understand the basic principle of hair transplant - "Nobody wants to purchase disappointment".
True objective of the hair transplant is getting results with natural appearing hair line and right density of growing lifelong permanent hairs without any signs of treatment being noticeable. Amalgamation of microsurgical techniques and skills over the last decade, has contributed greatly towards achieving complete naturalness without any side effects. With the concept of micrografts and gigasession, a greater amount of hairs can now be harvested and transplanted leading to dramatic change of self-image to a confident look.
At Olmec Institute of Hair Restoration, I personally assure you the highest quality of treatment in a safe way.
Senior Consultant Plastic, Cosmetic & Hair Transplant Surgeon
Hair Transplant
FUT Hair Transplant

In FUT Hair Transplant, A strip of hair is taken form the back of scalp (Donor Area) to prepare Hair Follicles which are then harvested in Bald Area.
FUE Hair Transplant

In FUE Hair Transplant, With the help of robotic devices hair follicles are punched one by one from the Donor Area and then harvested in Bald Area.
Hair Transplant Cost

Olmec The Hair Transplant Centre Provides Hair Transplant at Affordable Cost. To Calculate Hair Transplant Cost Click Here.
Hair Transplant Results

Best Hair Transplant Before and After Hair Restoration Results with Number of Grafts Harvested, Click here to see Before and After Hair transplant results.
Frequently Asked Questioins
Q. Why We Became Bald?
The most common type of hair loss in both men and women is referred to as Androgenic Alopecia or Male Pattern Baldness (MPB).
Research has shown that it is hereditary / genetically programmed process, which responds to external stimuli, essentially male hormones. Testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by an enzyme 5α reductase. It is DHT that acts on in the regions which are susceptible to androgenic alopecia. It appears that androgenic alopecia is under the control of a single dominant sex linked autosomal gene.
Nowadays the onset of baldness occurs at much early age than in father. This probably suggests role of many other factors in addition to genetics. The stressful competitive life style and altered dietary habits (leading to metabolic deficiencies like iron / vitamin deficiencies) have been blamed for this.
The follicles in the affected areas gradually shrink, resulting in fine and lighter growth, ultimately this leads to complete cessation of growth of hair.
Q. What are the types of Baldness?
Hamilton Norwood classification is the most widely used classification. This divides the Male Pattern Baldness into 7 groups as shown in figure:
Ludwig devised a classification system for the types of androgenic alopecia in women (three types) as shown in figure:
Q. How many hairs are on the normal scalp / What is the normal density?
Although there is considerable variation among ethnic groups as far as the average number of hairs is concerned, it is typical that the average individual with a relatively full head has approximately 100000 to 150000 or more hairs growing from the scalp. The density of adult hairs can vary between 100 and 400 per square centimeter i.e. (100 follicular units / sq cm).
Q. How many grafts do I need for my bald area?
The density of about 60 grafts per square cm gives excellent results. To calculate the required number of grafts, measure the area with a measuring tape in square cms.
Number of grafts required = Bald area in sq cms x 60 grafts
e.g. if bald area is 50 sq cms then number of grafts required is 50 x 60 = 3000 grafts
The number of required grafts varies according to many factors-
- How much hair loss you have
- Possibility of loss of hair in future as predicted by your genetic pattern
- Your own expectation about density
- Quality as well as quantity of both donor and bald areas
This can be planned only after you are seen by us. As per your age, the pattern will be planned out so that results are naturally fitting to your chronological age.
Q. Is Hair Transplant procedure painful?
Hair transplant is carried out under local anesthesia and you will remain quite comfortable both during and after the procedure. The ambience remains cool and calm. The procedure may also be carried out under general anesthesia as per your preference.
After the procedure you will be prescribed antibiotic or pain killers for few days (usually 5 days). You will be able to go home on the same day or you may choose to stay overnight.
Q. What is the natural sequel / sequence after hair transplant? Can I comb my hairs and style in my way?
You will develop a layer of scab (that protects the hairs from shearing). The scab falls off in 1-2 weeks period. The shafts of transplanted hairs also fall off (in technical term this is called effluvium), but the roots remain inside. New hairs (normal, natural hairs) start growing about 3 months after procedure. During this period you may notice small red itchy points over the transplanted site which indicates that hairs are growing out of your skin. The density of transplanted hairs may be thinner initially in totally bald areas, which gradually increases over the time. It usually takes 6 to 9 months to appreciate the results of a hair transplant. You can comb the hairs in desired style. You will need to get them regularly cut / shaven. They will grow back.
If a second / subsequent session is planned, it must be at least 3 to 6 months after the first session.
Our Address
A-1/10, Prashant Vihar, Outer Ring Road, New Delhi-110085 (INDIA)